
"No government's Deep State is inherently dangerous; what's of concern to red blooded Americans, however, is that their Deep State is in bed with the enemy." - AlleKat 2021


Snopes has tipped its hand. Link is posted below. No degree in rocket science is necessary to see how desperately Biden and the Democrats are trying to twist what happened Jan 6th (the republican attempted insurrection) and make “white male republicans” appear as dangerous as any other terrorists, . . . Isis, Al Qaeda, old world KKK democrats, etc. Democrats (as do republicans but they're not as good at it) have been exercising deception for a decades. Unless you're a walking moron, it's clear to you what it is people were trying to do when they said, "America's president is in bed with America's most terrifying enemy" (ref: Russia collusion hoax). Might Snopes criticize me by saying, "No, democrats never said, "Trump is sleeping with Putin." People can nitpick the letter of what was said and totally twist the spirit of what was said, this is often done to favor a biased perspective. Snopes might well publish: "Tucker is misleading you; Tucker said, “The guy stabbed her ten times”, however, she, in fact, was never stabbed ten times. . . (OK; 7 times but let us focus on Tucker's deception)". Snopes clear intention is to promote the following bias .... "Fox News Tucker Carlson lies and is trying to mislead Americans." The takeaway is this: Snopes has finally "tipped its hand" in a most obvious and blatant way. It is now clear that they have abandoned objective analysis in favor of biased analysis. I think most people can clearly see the most recently adopted member of the AMB; American Misleading Business" . . . No, Biden Did Not Say 'White Republican Men' Are 'More Dangerous Than Isis' | Snopes.com