Live here, and everywhere it goes.
Retire early (stress free). Live aboard, see the world and have money left to enjoy yourself as you cruise the world's hot spots.
Full Timers
20,000 USD investment (Your fractional ownership of the Vessel) plus 500 per month (to cover full time maintenance, management, maid, cook, bar tender, captain/crew (all the basics)
This project is a private live aboard "members only" project. Vessel will not be for hire (for charter) to the public
Full Timers
20,000 USD investment (Your fractional ownership of the Vessel) plus 500 per month (to cover full time maintenance, management, maid, cook, bar tender, captain/crew (all the basics)
This project is a private live aboard "members only" project. Vessel will not be for hire (for charter) to the public
For those who don't wish to live aboard full time, seasonal shares are available. (3 month minimum) 5,000 investment (your fractional ownership / time share of the vessel) plus 1500 USD per year (maintenance).
The "BILL OF RIGHTS" is a perfect target. She carries (30) guests and (8) crew in open waters. As many as 83 on voyages of less than 12 hours.
She has a current United States Coast Guard Certificate of Inspection (limited coastwise route) and is aggressively for sale.
We are currently recruiting members
(30 share holders) for a live aboard project.
*************** end status update *****************
If you and your friends are considering a Liberty Ship Yacht project... Hurry : )
This is what's happening in New York City ...
just kidding : )
What is fractional ownership?
The basic concept of fractional ownership is based on bringing like minded individuals together to purchase large capital outlay assets typically with very high maintenance expenses, time consuming management responsibilities and sometimes high depreciation rates. When proper systems are in place and expectations are set from the beginning, fractional ownership arrangements work out very nicely. One of the biggest perks to fractional ownership is the ability to get much more asset and service for the money.
Liberty Ship Business Plan and Articles of Association (about 30 pages) are available ($10) see "Buy now" at the right column, or call Captain Craig at (530) 227-3503. We use the PayPal system but any credit card works.
please review the information and links on this page and the FAQs at "management prospectus". There is no need to spend time and money on the details unless you have a good idea regarding how this project will work for you.
Liberty Ship Business Plan and Articles of Association (about 30 pages) are available ($10) see "Buy now" at the right column, or call Captain Craig at (530) 227-3503. We use the PayPal system but any credit card works.
please review the information and links on this page and the FAQs at "management prospectus". There is no need to spend time and money on the details unless you have a good idea regarding how this project will work for you.
Things important in this business:
* Online scheduling system, offering flexibility.
* When you step onto your yacht it should have everything of yours on it.
* Members never have to worry about maintenance, repairs, hiring of captain and crew or the management of the yacht.
Important note:
* Members never have to worry about maintenance, repairs, hiring of captain and crew or the management of the yacht.
Important note:
Liberty Ship Ltd. managed operations adhere to strict rules based on the following principles... - debt free operation, fiscal responsibility, safety, compliance with the laws of all the jurisdictions which we travel, and strict U.S. and British "Know Your Customer" requirements which include background checks.
We are a Conservative / Libertarian principled and managed business.
- Craig A. Simmons, CEO Liberty Ship Ltd. ™
Questions to ask yourself before considering membership in this project.
1) Money - Can you easily sink 20k (or the fraction you are purchasing) into a project, and afford 500 USD per month to maintain it?
2) Time - Do you have time to spend traveling the world. Do you have a passion to do this? Do you have the time and desire to learn, participate, and teach others?
3) Circumstances: Are you retired? Self employed? Does your work go with you? Do you have friends / family that can accompany you on your sailing journeys in various parts of the world? Do you have no pets? Can your home get along without you while you are away with friends and family cruising?
This link will help you do a risk analysis regarding Living Aboard.
What we do ...
Captain Craig and Karen provide the following: ... Set up of project and 24/7/365 full time management. Help with selecting / training of members and crew - selecting a boat - legal agreements - maintenance - accounting - scheduling a sail plan - managing additions of partners, and we help with many other details.
"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it" Questions to ask yourself before considering membership in this project.
1) Money - Can you easily sink 20k (or the fraction you are purchasing) into a project, and afford 500 USD per month to maintain it?
2) Time - Do you have time to spend traveling the world. Do you have a passion to do this? Do you have the time and desire to learn, participate, and teach others?
3) Circumstances: Are you retired? Self employed? Does your work go with you? Do you have friends / family that can accompany you on your sailing journeys in various parts of the world? Do you have no pets? Can your home get along without you while you are away with friends and family cruising?
This link will help you do a risk analysis regarding Living Aboard.
What we do ...
Captain Craig and Karen provide the following: ... Set up of project and 24/7/365 full time management. Help with selecting / training of members and crew - selecting a boat - legal agreements - maintenance - accounting - scheduling a sail plan - managing additions of partners, and we help with many other details.
- Johnathan Winters
Good links for Yachties:
Zero to Cruising; a fun loving couple in the Caribbean. How they did it!
Best site for safety and risk management analysis
Zero to Cruising; a fun loving couple in the Caribbean. How they did it!
Best site for safety and risk management analysis
Best info for Yachties … (forums)
Bets site for boat shopping …
Online Course - Minimum required training
for Liberty Ship Managing Members
Risk analysis regarding "Living Aboard"
Best info for Yachties … (forums)
Bets site for boat shopping …
Online Course - Minimum required training
for Liberty Ship Managing Members
Risk analysis regarding "Living Aboard"
Best Bank for Expat's or Yachties
Article for old salts: Pre STCW Sailors ...,-STCW-Me.aspx
Article for old salts: Pre STCW Sailors ...,-STCW-Me.aspx
The more you know about fractional ownership - the better our system looks: This link is a quick read regarding various yacht share management systems:
A great article regarding
fractional ownership myths ... revealed -
In short, if you are considering - "buying a hole in the water into which one pours money" or a B.O.A.T. (Bail Out Another Thousand) and you have a limited budget or a fixed retirement income - This is how to do it !
Please post any suggestions or questions you have on the comments page on this site.
My email (Captain Craig) is
or call me directly at (530) 227-3503
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Captain Craig Simmons, CEO Liberty Ship Ltd.
.“Whatever humans can accomplish, the platform for it is liberty. To say that freedom carries too much potential for abuse is like arguing that oceans are too dangerous and should be outlawed”
- J Rappoport
"The sea gets unimaginably treacherous and unforgiving when we face her with incapacity, incompetence, or neglect."
"A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."

Cave of the storm
Oil on Canvas
Sir Albert Poynter 1903

.“Whatever humans can accomplish, the platform for it is liberty. To say that freedom carries too much potential for abuse is like arguing that oceans are too dangerous and should be outlawed”
- J Rappoport
"The sea gets unimaginably treacherous and unforgiving when we face her with incapacity, incompetence, or neglect."
"A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."
A note from your Captain:
“Good business management needs to be founded upon moral - scientific principles that are indisputable and universally sound. They need to work like an unwavering star that indicates... not where to go ... but how to get there. The principles must work similar to how an “invisible hand” works in a free market, among free minds and free people who all - independently choose their own course.
When this kind of management is done well, no one sees it. No single person gets credit, things just seem to work and feel right. It’s like the magic of “tacking close to the wind” or the "invisible spirit" that makes a thing infinitely more than the sum of its parts.
When in charge, know the rules, the principles, and the risks 'impeccably'. Stand by your convictions, particularly when facing challenges, even sure death, hell, or high water. Always keep in mind, when the chips are down, or when things go wrong - or worse ... In the event you have been elected to command? … 'Command”.
- Captain Craig Simmons CEO, Liberty Ship Ltd.
Cave of the storm
Oil on Canvas
Sir Albert Poynter 1903
Craig's favorite boat ... The Santa Marina, a 74 foot Custom Motor – sailing yacht. 16 Sleeping berths. Capacity 40.
1 comment:
For small boat designs - Check out Glen L. designs.
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